
Where to park

TreeHouse Krásna Hôrka is near the village of Krásnohorské Podhradie.

You can reach the village by bus or by train to Rožňava and then by bus to Krásnohorské Podhradie. If you arrive by car, you can park it on the private land by the arch tennis hall, TENNIS CLUB Krásnohorské Podhradie. The tennis hall is opposite the restaurant U železného grófa. When it is dry, you can also drive your car to the tree house according to the planned route. You can also walk from the car park to the tree house. It is a nice walk of about 2 km through the meadow behind the village. The walk from the car park by the tennis hall takes about 45 minutes at a slow walk. During the whole way you have a nice view of the Krásna Hôrka castle on your right. When you come to the end of the meadow, the tree farm is close to the beginning of the forest.

Tree House Krásna Hôrka

Route to the tree house

/data/1/6/161d0cb2-1432-43ce-8afd-1412c37d4427/ on line 38

Point No 1

TENISOVÝ KLUB Krásnohorské Podhradie je oproti reštaurácie U železného grófa. Tu zaparkujete Vaše auto. Vjazd na pozemok ku tenisovej hale je z hlavnej cesty. Po zaparkovaní Vašeho auta pôjdete po asfaltovej ceste poza reštauráciu U železného grófa. Pôjdete na koniec dediny podľa červenej vyznačenej trasy na bod č. 2

Point No 2

je miesto na konci dediny. Za posledným domom odbočíte doprava. Tu končí asfaltová cesta a pôjdete stále rovno po lúke na miesto č.3

Item No 3

tu prídete ku kríkom a budete pokračovať doľava okolo tých kríkov na miesto č. 4

Item 4

je medzera medzi kríkmi, prejdete cez túto medzeru a pôjdete hore. Keď prídete ku malému lesíku, obídete zľava tento lesík a prídete na koniec lúky.

Item 5

je prvý stromodom s menom BEBEK. Na konci lúky pokračuje do lesa žltá značená turistická trasa. Pôjdete po tomto žltom chodníku a za krátko uvidíte pred sebou po ľavej strane stromodom BEBEK. Keď budete pokračovať po chodníku ďalej, asi po 50 metroch nájdete tiež po ľavej strane stromodom s menom ANDRÁSSY. Stromodomy majú mená hore pod terasou. Túto istú cestu môžete prejsť aj autom. Buď ak máte svoje auto, s ktorým môžete ísť po lúke mimo asfaltovej cesty.


TreeHouse BEBEK

TENNIS CLUB Krásnohorské Podhradie is opposite the restaurant U železného grófa. Park your car here. The entrance to the tennis hall is from the main road. After parking your car you will go along the asphalt road behind the restaurant U železného grófa. Follow the marked route to the end of the village to point 2.

Point 2 - is the place at the end of the village. Turn right after the last house. Here the asphalt road ends and you go straight ahead along the meadow to point 3.

Point 3 - here you will come to the bushes and you will continue to the left around those bushes to point 4

Point 4 - is the gap between the bushes, you go through this gap and you go up. When you come to a small copse, go around this copse on your left and you will come to the end of the meadow.

Point 5 - is the first stromodom with the name BEBEK. At the end of the meadow a yellow marked hiking trail continues into the forest. Walk along this yellow trail and you will soon see the BEBEK tree in front of you on your left. As you continue along the trail, after about 50 yards you will also find a treehouse on your left with the name ANDRÁSSY. The treehouses have names up below the terrace. You can also take this same path by car if you have your own car, which you can use to drive through the meadow off the tarmac road.

In case of bad weather or large luggage, we can bring you to the tree house in our car by arrangement.

If you book your stay, we will confirm your reservation date by email. In this mail you will be able to pay by card for your stay. And it will also tell you where to find the keys.